What to Do When You Have a Food Allergy Reaction

An allergic reaction can be a scary situation, especially when it comes unexpectedly while eating. However, knowing what an allergic food allergiesreaction looks like and what to do during one can help you avoid discomfort or, in severe cases, even save your life. Find out what to do when you have a food allergy reaction with Dr. Ludwig Khoury at Allergy Care in Watertown and Utica, NY.

Signs and Symptoms of a Food Allergy 
The symptoms of an allergic reaction to food almost always happen immediately after consuming the allergen. Even tiny amounts of allergens can cause reactions. Often, the first sign of a food allergy is a tingling or itching sensation in the mouth. Patients may also experience hives or itching skin, wheezing or nasal congestion, swelling of the face, lips, tongue, or other parts of the body, abdominal pain or indigestion, dizziness, lightheadedness, or even fainting. In the most severe cases, anaphylactic shock can constrict the airways, causing the patient to be unable to breathe. Anaphylactic shock is often accompanied by a feeling as though you have a lump in the throat, rapid pulse, dizziness, loss of consciousness, or a severe drop in blood pressure.

What do I do during an allergic reaction? 
It is important to seek emergency care immediately if you experience anaphylactic shock. This is a serious situation which could result in death. If you experience anaphylaxis, remain calm and ask someone to call 911.

Allergy Treatments in Watertown and Utica
A dietician can help patients find a good diet for them after a food allergy diagnosis. Treating food allergies normally begins with a full elimination diet. During this diet, the patient avoids all consumption of the allergen and, in severe cases, all contact at all, including inhalation or physical contact by touch. In an emergency, antihistamines can help control a reaction or an epinephrine auto-injector can keep the blood pressure up and treat severe reactions.

For more information on allergic reactions and their treatments, please contact Dr. Khoury at Allergy Care in Watertown and Utica, NY. Call (315) 782-6200 to schedule your appointment at the Watertown location and (315) 624-7911 to schedule your appointment at the Utica location today!

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