Living Well With Food Allergies

Food allergies don't have to prevent you from enjoying life. Making a few changes to your diet and visiting your Watertown and Utica, NY, specialist, Dr. Ludwig Khoury of Allergy Care, can help you prevent reactions.

How to Avoid Food Allergy Symptoms

Reducing the risk of an uncomfortable or life-threatening reaction starts with:

  • Reading Labels: Don't buy or consume food unless you've read every ingredient on the label and can confirm it doesn't contain an allergen. Don't buy the product if the manufacturer notes that the same equipment is used to process foods that trigger your food allergies.
  • Asking Questions: You never know what kinds of unusual ingredients restaurants or home cooks may add to a dish. Before you take a bite, ask if the food contains any of the ingredients that cause your allergies.
  • Saying No: If you have any doubts about a prepared or home-cooked food, move on the side of caution and don't eat the food.
  • Spreading the News: Let your friends, family members, and co-workers know that you have a food allergy. The more people know, the smaller the chance that someone will forget and offer you a forbidden food. Tell people what happens if you experience a reaction so that they can get help for you quickly if needed.
  • Making a Few Changes in the Kitchen: Set aside dishes, utensils, cutting boards, and pans for your use only if you live with someone else who makes foods using ingredients that trigger your allergies. Insist that everyone wash cooking items thoroughly after using.
  • Creating an Action Plan: An emergency action plan can save your life if you have an allergic reaction. Your plan should include a list of your allergens, typical allergy symptoms, the steps you should take if you experience a reaction, and contact information for your doctor's Utica or Watertown office.

Do you suffer from food allergies? Your allergy, asthma, and immunology specialist in Watertown and Utica, NY, Dr. Khoury of Allergy Care, can help you manage your condition. Make an appointment by calling (315) 624-7911 for the Utica office or (315) 782-6200 for the Watertown office.

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Contact Us

Office Hours

Closed from 12:00 pm - 1:00 pm daily

Watertown Office

Monday - Friday:

8:30 am - 5:00 pm

Saturday, Sunday:


Utica Office

Monday - Friday:

8:00 am - 5:00 pm

Saturday, Sunday:
