Do You Have Skin Allergies?

Could your itchy, red and bumpy skin be the result of an allergy?

Persistent rashes and bumpy, itchy skin—these symptoms aren’t just uncomfortable, they can also be pretty embarrassing. We know that Allergiesyou just want to find out what’s causing your symptoms and to get them under control. Could your symptoms be the result of an allergy? Our Utica, NY, allergist Dr. Ludwig Khoury wants patients to get the answers they need regarding skin allergies.


What are the different types of skin allergies?

The most common types of skin allergies include:

  • Atopic dermatitis (also known as eczema)
  • Hives
  • Contact dermatitis


What are the sign and symptoms of a skin allergy?

Symptoms vary from patient to patient depending on the type and severity of the skin allergy. Symptoms may include:

  • Dry, sensitive skin
  • Itching
  • Redness and inflammation
  • Raised bumps
  • Cracking or oozing

If you are experiencing flare-ups that include any of these symptoms then you may want to turn to an allergist in Utica, NY, for a diagnostic exam.


How can I treat or relieve an itchy rash?

One of the best things you can do is to keep your hands off your itchy skin (we know; easier said than done); however, the more you scratch the worse the symptoms can get (not to mention the fact that scratching could lead to an infection).

Turn to cold compresses or oatmeal baths to help ease symptoms naturally. You can also turn to over-the-counter or prescription creams or oral medications that are designed to treat skin allergies such as atopic dermatitis.


Could my skin allergies be caused by an allergy to certain foods?

It is absolutely possible that the symptoms you are experiencing such as hives could be the result of a food allergy. If you find that your symptoms manifest every time you eat a certain food then you may have a food allergy.


How are skin allergies treated?

If your allergy symptoms are minor then you may find relief from simple lifestyle modifications and at-home treatments like hydrocortisone cream, calamine lotion, or oral antihistamines. For more moderate or severe skin allergies, an allergist can provide you with prescription topical or oral medications.

Are you dealing with skin allergies in Utica or Watertown, NY? If you are experiencing distressing or uncomfortable symptoms then it’s time to call Allergy Care to find out how we can help.

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